Common Divorce Myths Debunked by Dubai Lawyers

Divorce can be a difficult and emotional process, and dealing with legal intricacies can often add to the stress. In Dubai, where the legal framework combines aspects of Islamic and civil law, there are various myths and misconceptions surrounding the divorce procedure. In this post, we will attempt to dispel some of the most popular fallacies using insights from experienced divorce lawyers in Dubai


Myth 1: Divorce is a Time-Consuming Process

Reality: The time required to resolve divorce cases varies greatly depending on the complexities of the case. While some cases take longer than typical, primarily because of disputes over alimony, custody, or assets, others can be settled swiftly. It also depends on how much both sides are willing to collaborate. If they both agree on the set terms, things will flow smoothly and quickly.

Myth 2: Women Cannot Initiate Divorce in Dubai

Reality: Women, similar to men, are legally entitled to apply for divorce, although the process and grounds may differ for both. For instance, a woman can contact a divorce lawyer in Dubai and file for khula, a type of divorce in which she can unilaterally seek separation from her spouse by returning the Mahr (dowry) or any other financial settlement received during the marriage. Women can also seek divorce for a variety of reasons, such as abuse, neglect, or failure to provide financial support.

Myth 3: Mothers are Always Granted Custody of the Children

Reality: While it is a common occurrence for women to be granted custody of their children, this is not always the case. The Dubai court prioritizes the welfare of the children and makes custody-related decisions in their best interest. Based on their experience, divorce lawyers in Dubai believe that either parent can be granted custody if they can demonstrate that it is in the best interests of their child. The child's age, gender, and the parent's capacity to offer a stable environment are all taken into consideration.

Myth 4: All Assets are Divided Equally

Reality: Unlike several Western countries, where assets are often shared evenly between spouses, Dubai takes a distinct approach to asset division. The allocation of assets after a divorce is not always a 50-50 split. The Dubai courts evaluate a variety of factors, including each spouse's financial contributions, the needs of the children, and any pre-existing agreements among the parties. According to divorce lawyers in Dubai, in some circumstances, one partner may receive a higher portion of the assets due to their financial contribution or other factors.

Myth 5: Divorce Ruins Children’s Lives

Reality: While divorce can be difficult for children, it does not need to have a negative impact on them. With proper guidance and care, children can adjust to the changes that divorce brings. Courts in Dubai ensure that the child lives in a healthy, stable environment post-divorce. Parents who work together to properly co-parent can help their children cope with the effects of divorce.


Concluding Insights

Divorce is a complex process, and understanding its realities is crucial for anyone going through or considering this difficult process. By debunking these common myths, divorce lawyers in Dubai aim to provide clarity and support, enabling individuals make informed decisions that align with their best interests. 

A skilled lawyer's guidance can be crucial at such stressful times. If you need a seasoned professional, contact Diana Hamade Attorneys At Law. DHAAL, a prominent team of well-known family and divorce lawyers, is one of the most renowned law firms in UAE. The expert staff provides high-quality legal services and guidance, specializing in family law, inheritance and succession planning, employment law, dispute resolution, rental and real estate. If you have any specific queries or concerns, please contact DHAAL immediately.


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